Personal Development
PSHE: Personal, Social, Health and Economic education
At Manor Park CE First School PSHE is central to all aspects of pupil learning, both in the classroom and beyond, and we indeed strive to put relationship and trust at the heart of all we do. It is taught both as timetabled weekly lessons and across the school day in every aspect of school life and underpinned by our mission Love for God, Love for Each Other and Love for Learning. We are committed to providing a creative PSHE curriculum that equips our children with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live healthy, safe, productive and fulfilled lives. The curriculum will enable them to understand and respect who they are and empower them with a voice.
In our school, we follow “The Jigsaw” programme which delivers high quality, progressive sessions across a variety of PSHE topics such as Celebrating Difference, Goals and Dreams and Healthy me, with sensitivity and respect for others. It also covers the area of RSE (Relationship and Sex Education) in the summer term, which is compulsory in all Primary schools. As a Church of England school, we teach within a framework of Christian values and in a way that is age appropriate, and carefully and sensitively matched to the needs of our children.
Alongside our school Mission Love for God, Love for each other, Love for Learning we uphold and teach pupils about British Values
- The Rule of Law
- Democracy
- Individual Liberty
- Mutual Respect
- Tolerance of those with different faiths and different beliefs
We teach, revisit and embed them through our weekly collective worship, our Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) curriculum and Religious Education (RE). We also teach and reinforce British Values through a broad and varied topic based curriculum and extracurricular activities and clubs.
Sometimes children need further interventions to understand their own emotions, deal with events in their lives or attend school. To provide our children with the best opportunities in life we have a wide range of pastoral interventions.
Parent Information
Each year group will be covering Relationships and Changing Me topics in the Summer Term. There will be different content per year group. The subject matter, learning goals and vocabulary can be found by clicking on the Year Groups below: