PE at Manor Park
Manor Park aims to inspire all children to develop a love of physical activity and sport. Through good physical education, whole school values and a whole child approach, we aim to nurture confident, resilient children who will strive for their
personal best. We listen to our children's wants and needs and provide them with a range of active experiences and clubs. We want to aid our children in obtaining the values and skills to celebrate and respect the success of others, as well as modestly celebrating their own successes. We aim to ensure that our delivery of physical education allows all children to have the skills and mindset to leave first school with the capabilities to be successful in their sporting challenges and active lifestyles at middle school and beyond. We strive to educate both our children and families to develop a greater understanding on how to live healthy lifestyles and make healthy choices through our two hours of timetabled PE per week. We are dedicated to ensuring healthy minds, as well as bodies and will continue to support our children's well-being. We have strong links with local clubs and partnerships within our community to ensure the children and families receive the support and knowledge they need.
Get set (first hour of PE)
At our school, our first hour of PE is taken by our class teachers and we follow the Get Set! System for learning.
The core values are:
- Empower others.
- Radiate good morals.
- Make hard things easy.
The scheme is written for teachers, by teachers and covers a progressive skill set from Early years to Year 4. Our children cover athletics, ball skills, badminton, cricket, dance, dodgeball, fitness, football, gymnastic, golf, handball, hockey, netball, rounders, rugby, tennis yoga. Year 4s will have the opportunity for swimming.
PE Overviews:
Sports coaches (second hour of PE)
We are fortunate to have our second hour of sports with our qualified coaches from PH sports who is the leading provider of sports in the south west.
Our children will be taught by specialist PE Coaches alongside their class teacher and support staff to provide them with high quality PE games and sports. PH sports is the leading provider of PE and sports teaching in the South West; PE lessons follow the National Curriculum and are modelled on differentiated lessons methodology, allowing your children to develop new skills whilst being engaged in a holistic learning environment.
PH Sports are also offering a sports club all year after school on Wednesdays and this will be subsidised by the school sports premium to allow access to all.. The focus of this club will change termly. Currently it is multi skills for years 1 and 2, but we will be offering a range of sports for all year groups as the year progresses.
PH Sports is the leading provider of PE and School Sport in the South West.
Sports leaders
At Manor Park children in year 4 have the opportunity to apply for the position of sports leader. A sports leader is someone who has an interest or aptitude for sports who has applied to run games, facilitate sports along the sports leader and to help out at events such as sports day. We currently have 26 sports leaders in year 4, who over 2 year halves are taking part in the above activities. We believe that by empowering our year 4 sports leaders, this will drive a passion for sports among ALL children at our school and develop peer relationships.
Clubs and fixtures
Our school currently offers several sports clubs from kickboxing to football to dance. These are run by teachers and external sports coaches. Throughout the year we also welcome into school local sporting clubs, such as Chance to shine cricket, to give pupils a taste of new and different sports.
We are also part of the Dorset School Games and in our cluster of 16 first, middle and senior school are organising sporting fixtures and inter school friendlies to a range of pupils from PP to Gifted and talented. We feel this is a great way for pupils to perform at different levels, create sporting opportunities locally, forge links with other schools offering different facilities and to strengthen relationships between local schools.
Sports Games Mark gold award
In July 2023 we were awarded the School Games Mark Gold award.
The School Games Mark is a government-led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. Participating in this process allows schools to evaluate their PE provision and assists them in developing an action plan for future progress.
We have demonstrated:
Maintaining and growing your school’s engagement in the School Games and your delivery of the Chief Medical Officer’s (CMO) 60 active minutes for every child or 20
minutes for SEND young people
Delivering and engaging in competitions that has clear intent and creates positive experiences based on the motivation, competence and confidence of your young
people that need support most
A clear focus on transition points (e.g. Yr.2 and Yr.4 as well as those in three tier systems)
Supporting the personal development of targeted young people through youth engagement and leadership
Advocating and engaging key stakeholders on the value of the School Games to support local provision and improve the experiences for your young people and their families.