Vision Statement
The Wessex Multi-Academy Trust believes that young people learn best in an inclusive environment. Working alongside other young people who have different talents, different attitudes and a different outlook on the world provides the best possible preparation for later life. All young people can achieve given the right support, relentless determination to succeed and relentless optimism.
Contact details
Our school’s SENDCo is Mrs Hannah Oram. If you would like to contact Mrs Oram, please call 01305 268741 or email office@manorpark.dorset.sch.uk.
If you have concerns about your child’s progress, please first speak to their class teacher.
What is a special educational need?
All learners learn and develop at different rates and have both areas of strength and interest and areas of weakness. A learner may have a special educational need if, despite appropriate classroom activities, and differentiated planning and support, they continue to experience a greater difficulty than their peers in learning and developing skills. It is important to distinguish learners with special educational needs from learners who are underachieving but who can and will catch up.
Graduated Approach
We follow a graduated approach in determining the additional provision needed, and closely monitor on an assess, plan, do, review cycle (SEND COP, 6.44). A formal diagnosis of underlying need at this stage in a child’s education is not necessarily appropriate, and we focus our time on working with children and helping them make progress. Strategies to support a range of needs are part of quality first teaching and benefit all learners. The links below summarise just some of the strategies in place for children.
- Graduated Approach for families
- SEND leaflet
- Anxiety
- Hyperactive & Impulsive behaviour
- English Support
- Pastoral Support
- Movement and active learning
- Speech & language guidance
The Dorset parent guide to support your child's Special Educational Needs (SEN)
This guide explains the support ordinarily available in Dorset education settings, from early years settings to post 16 providers, if a child or young person needs more help to achieve their potential. It includes information on how settings should use the Graduated Approach to plan support for children and young people, and how you can access support in your local area. The Graduated Approach is outlined in the SEND Code of Practice (2015).
Local Offer
Local Offer is the term that describes the services our school offers children with SEND. You can read more on the Local Offer page on Dorset For You.
Your Education and Early Help SEND locality teams
These are the area-specific Dorset Council staff who can offer local support and advice. You can find your locality contact details HERE
Dorset Education Advice Line (DEAL)
DEAL is a phone line for parents, carers and professionals who support children who may have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). This advice line is part of Dorset Council’s Local Offer to children, young people and families and will work alongside existing services such as SENDIASS and the Education Psychology helpline.
Dorset Educational Psychologist’s Advice Line
Dorset Educational Psychologists offer parents and carers of children aged 3 to 18 years (25 if the young person has SEND) the opportunity to speak with a Dorset Council Educational Psychologist (EP).
Dorset Special Educational Needs & Disability Information, Advice & Support Service (SENDIASS)
SENDIASS offers free, confidential, accurate and impartial advice and support to families living in Dorset.