Welcome to Manor Park CE First School
I hope that as you browse through its pages you will gather a sense of what a wonderfully special place Manor Park First School is. Of course, there is no substitute for seeing us first-hand so if you are interested in joining us, please do give us a ring and we’ll arrange to show you what we are all about.
Manor Park First School is in the heart of Dorchester. Our school is in a very modern building with extensive grounds which provides the children with opportunities such as Forest School.
Our 450 pupil school is organised in 14 classes. We have a wonderful pre-school where children start their journey and love for learning within a caring and supportive environment.
Our families originate from many different countries giving the school a rich diversity. We celebrate the cultures of our children and the knowledge and understanding they can bring to all of us as we take our place in the multicultural Britain of today.
Latest News

Upcoming Events
- 24Mar
year 4 Residential
- 26Mar
World Maths Day
- 28Mar
BUDS Chocolate BINGO
- 31Mar
School Easter Service @ Church
- 01Apr
Y3 trip to Lyme Regis 1/2 year group
- 02Apr
Y3 trip to Lyme Regis 1/2 year group
- 04Apr
Last Day of Spring Term
All Day
- 04Apr
Open afternoon for parents
- 21Apr
Bank Holiday
All Day
- 22Apr
Inset Day
All Day
- 23Apr
First Day of Summer Term
All Day
- 05May
Bank Holiday
All Day